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What's Included In 8(A) Certification Consultants Full-Service Package?

The best overall method of obtaining your SBA 8(a) Business Development certification is to use the Full-Service 8(a) certification consultants’ services. The most significant benefit is the time it takes a non-consultant to complete their first and, in most cases, only 8(a) applications, which is often in the range of 200 hours. The client's burden is reduced by about 12–16 hours when they use 8(a) certification consultants’ services.

However, considering that only about 30% of all 8(a) applications submitted to the SBA make it past the "review for completeness phase," this is still a time investment on the client's part. It may be the only option for the firm to successfully achieve 8(a) certification for many persons without a strong history in submitting government forms.

The following is a list of what is included in the 8(a) certification consultants’ Full-Service Package

1.Initial Strategy Session

During this session, a skilled partner from the firm will search for critical issues that must be disclosed to the SBA, prepare a detailed document checklist, develop a list of document templates to provide the client that must be included in the application and explain the overall application process to the client.

2. Document Assembly/Review

After that, 8(a) certification consultants’ organize and go over all of the documents you'll need to finish your application. This is critical because the SBA considers a misplaced document within the application package to be non-existent, so having a skilled analyst review the documents during this process allows us to clarify issues with the SBA before the SBA Business Opportunity Specialist initiates an inquiry, giving the SBA the clearest picture possible.

3. SBA 8(a) Application Completion

8(a) certification consultants complete all appropriate forms related to the SBA 8(a) Application based on the client's supporting evidence and correspondence. For the clients, this has the advantage of ensuring accuracy when filling out forms, which is critical to the application's success. Because mistakes are frequently un-correctable later in the application review process, these forms must be completed accurately the first time.

4. Package Analyze

After the application has been completed, one of the partners will review it to provide a second set of eyes for the analyst's work. The SBA reviews every page of an 8(a) application and is extremely diligent in identifying any irregularities. This ensures a "best-in-industry" review process since the partners often identify over 30 issues within an application when examining it by someone outside of the firm.

5.Uploading the Application

The 8(a) application is split into two sections. There is a paper application with between 300 and 500 pages, as well as an online element that requires D and B registration, registration, and GLS Login to complete. The clients are simply required to examine and sign the completed application because we have handled this portion of the procedure for them.

Given variables such as the likelihood of a successful application and the time savings achieved for the company's principal by having expert assistance at every stage of the application process, the 8(a) certification consultants’ Full-Service application package is usually the most cost-effective alternative.


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